National Exam Results are Excellent!

Sega Well Above Average on National Exam

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The results of the Form Four National Exams were recently released and the results for our Sega graduates were excellent!

We are thrilled to say that 25 of our 27 Form Four students passed the exam, representing 93% of the class; compared to the nation’s average in which 58% of students passed the exam, Sega is well above the average! This statistic is incredibly significant due to the fact that our students come from the poorest backgrounds and many girls spent a number of years out of school before coming to Sega. Having 93% of our first graduating class pass this exam is a huge accomplishment!

We are also particularly pleased to say that four of our students, or 15%, passed the exam at, or above the level of Division Three. While this statistic is slightly below the national average of 18% passing at such a level, we are very proud of our students who excelled at this level.

A few other findings that are important to note is that Sega is in the 14th percentile for English and the 29thpercentile for math. Again, these statistics are impressive, but also good indicators of where future students need more instruction and help.

As a result of passing the exam, many doors open to the girls including a variety of government colleges and training programs. Over the next several weeks we will be working closely with individual students to discuss available opportunities and help them to take the next steps. We are hopeful our students will continue their education or continue to build the skills to open their own businesses.

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While we are very excited about the results of the National Exam, we also are already striving for even better results in the years to come. Over the past few years we have learned much about teacher selection, student selection, national exam tendencies etc and plan to use all we’ve learned to help all of our students to be as successful as possible in years to come.

Thank you one and all – students, teachers, administrators, families, supporters near and far – who have helped our students accomplish their goals and pass the exam!